Customized Medical Stop Loss Solutions for
Self-Funded Plans

About Us

As a leading Managing General Underwriter, Evolution Risk Partners (ERP) redefines partnership through a shared vision of success with employers and brokers. We provide your organization with customizable and innovative medical stop-loss solutions to ensure the financial stability of your self-funded medical program.

Financial Stability

Evolution Risk Partners represents A and A+ rated carriers with over $750 million of stop loss premiums in-force.


Service and

We provide an efficient and seamless client experience with direct access to underwriting, relationship leaders and claims industry experts.


Medical Claim

Our experienced team works tirelessly to provide prompt claim reimbursements and cost-saving solutions for our clients.

Financial Stability

Traditional Stop Loss Underwriting

ERP’s experienced and responsive underwriters perform thorough risk assessments and determine fair pricing.

Stop Loss Dominos

Alterative Risk Stop Loss Platforms

We provide a variety of stop loss offerings including captives, level funded products and specialty stop loss programs.


Submitted by our current broker partners.

Pan American LIfe

Pan-American Life

ERP has partnered with Pan-American Life Insurance Company (PALIC), a leading provider of life, accident and health insurance. A.M. Best and the Fitch Ratings have rated Pan-American Life Company's financial strength as: A.M. Best “A” (Excellent) and Fitch Ratings “A” (Strong).

Companion Life

Companion Life

ERP has partnered with Companion Life (“Companion”), a leading provider of life, accident and health insurance. A.M. Best and the Fitch Ratings have rated Companion's financial strength as: A.M. Best “A+” (Superior)


909 Davis Street, 5th Floor
Evanston, IL 60201

Premium Remittance:
P.O. Box 736357
Dallas, TX 75373-6357


Email: [email protected]